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MCC Menssing Chemiehandel & ConsultantsConsumer Goods Icon

Consumer Goods

Die MCC – Menssing Chemiehandel & Consultants GmbH ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich des Vertriebs von Consumer Goods in den Bereichen Food, Personal Care, Oral Care, Nutraceuticals und Cosmetics. Mit ihrem Sitz in Hamburg, hat sich das Unternehmen einen exzellenten Ruf in der Branche erworben und bietet hochwertige Produkte und kundenorientierte Dienstleistungen.

Consumer Goods (Deutsch „Konsumgüter“) ist ein weitgefasster Begriff, der eine breite Palette von Produkten umfasst, die von Verbrauchern für ihren persönlichen Gebrauch erworben werden. In den Bereichen Food, Personal Care, Oral Care, Nutraceuticals und Cosmetics spielen Consumer Goods eine zentrale Rolle im täglichen Leben der Menschen.


Food Consumer Goods includes food and beverages intended for human consumption. This includes a wide range of commodities, from staples such as bread, milk and vegetables to processed foods such as ready meals, snacks and beverages. The quality and variety of food products in this sector significantly influence consumer nutrition, health and taste.

Personal Care

Consumer goods in personal care are products that contribute to personal hygiene and appearance. This includes products such as shampoos, soaps, deodorants, skin care products and more. They are an integral part of many people's daily grooming routine and help maintain a clean and well-groomed appearance.

Oral Care

The Oral Care Consumer Goods category focuses on oral health and care products. These include toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss. Maintaining healthy oral hygiene is critical to overall health, and these products help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.


Consumer goods in Cosmetics include products that are used to beautify or enhance physical appearance. These include make-up, skin care products, perfumes, hair care products and more. These products allow people to express their personal style and feel confident.


The Nutraceuticals Consumer Goods category includes dietary supplements that are specifically designed to support health and wellness. These include vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and other supplements that can help meet the body's nutritional needs and achieve specific health goals.

Overall, consumer goods in these various segments are indispensable to consumers' daily lives and play an important role in their health, well-being and personal expression. Manufacturers in these segments are continuously innovating and improving quality to meet the ever-changing needs and preferences of consumers.

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